Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If You Ask Me To ...

.... marry you?!

It's February 29, something that comes every four years! And on this day, as the famous tradition from Ireland by St. Bridget who whined to St. Patrick that women are tired of waiting, women are granted license to propose to the man they love.

So ... will you marry me, yes YOU? :-)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Perfectly Right

So since this is THE day of the hearts, humour me and let me tell you what I need and hope for in my man:

He is Michael Holden ... respectable.honorable.true.
He is Roland Burton ... kind.intelligent.understanding.
He is Trevor LeBlanc ... sweet.loving.funny.
He is Frank Sherwood ... strong.brave. faithful.
He is Chase Moran ...

Who are these guys?

They all have THE qualities of the man any woman longs, hopes, wishes, prays for. And yes, they are all fictional.

May the man in your life has at least one or two of these guys' qualities.



'nuff said.



There is never more right than being with the right one, right?

I thought so too.



This is exactly what I'm talking about.

I wrote in my Twitter account a day ago that most often than not, I ask for what I want instead of what I truly need. Why? Because sometimes, I don't know what I need over what I want.

The video nailed for me what I truly believe I need.

No gift greater than sharing one's self selflessly with someone you love doing exactly what that person loves doing. Whether it's watching the most boring documentary in National Geographic or the constant news in CNN or the cheesiest romcom in HBO.

No need for anything except the time together, sharing each other's lives. No frills. No fancy.

No words can ever describe what truly 'love' is.

But this video did!

... Thanks for this Google! :-)

Happy Heart's Day, Y'all! :-)
