We both felt an immediate feeling of lose, of emptiness, of regret, of reminiscing memories that keeps her alive at that moment in our hearts.
Death is never easy to accept. One can never be 'ready' to this news, to this reality. I have had some very special people to me passed in the last six years and I know, deep in the cavern of my heart, I'm still grieving. It does get easy as the days, months, as years go by. The pain seems less. But scars remain.
Life is too precious to ignore. Time is too precious to waste. There are so many special people in our lives that we sometimes neglect because of the life we lead, the chaos of our existence somehow diminishes the time we spend to touch base with those who are truly important in our lives: the people who loves us, the people we love, the people who makes us who we are, the people who are there with us in the lowest times and the happiest times. May that be a family, may that be a friend. Be with them. Know them. Keep in touch with them. Tell them and make them feel your presence in their lives as theirs to yours.
Because there might not be any tomorrow left to spare.
Thank you, Ate Charet. You were a cousin, a friend, a confidante. You were someone who believed in me, someone who never fails to love me and understand me. Your presence in my life will be missed.
Now, you are an additional angel in heaven for me and Ate.
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