Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I was looking at the photo of Jena's babies. She is one of my high school friends that I can't wait to see in the reunion 25 days from now.
Goodness! How time flies. I cannot imagine how three adorable babies CAME OUT FROM HER! From my friend's womb. I was in awe, really!
I went to my doctor earlier and she was soo huge due to her pregnancy. I was again in awe!
Woah! Don't think I do not know the birds and the bees stuff ... I do. But you see, it still never fails to amaze me how in the world can a beating heart and a palpitating soul of a little human being is IN a mom's womb and how, once it is welcomed to the world, such baby will grow into a man or a woman, will study, eat, sleep, make friends, marry, travel and ultimately will also die.
Morbid. But true.
Oh, life is a wonderful. Don't get me wrong that I just look at babies and think, "oh one day, this baby will die" ... it's a crazy thought.
Of course, like the others, I adore babies.
But the thought of what life is is there, you know.
An amazement. A constant miraculous exhibition. That each walking human has all the capacity and capability to perform MIRACLE. To give LIFE to another person. Nurture it. Feed it. See it. Until the time for another cycle of reproduction.
Such power ... but such responsibility as well.
It's a scary feeling, no? It scares me, promise.
I'm not a mother ... not yet, at least. But when I think of how I will carry in me a baby and bring him / her out int his world, the thought petrifies me.
The world is soo cruel at times. It is noisy and dirty and evil. How can you bring a baby in this condition when you know that the future seems doom to fail?
But to hold a baby, a small life, a living proof of humanity, in your arms, must be the most happy existence a person can feel.
Amazing yet terrifying.
Oh, I think too much. And all this because of three little babies I was staring at a while ago.
This all came out when I was just looking at the picture of three adorable children of a friend. I'm not sure if it was the idea of her having 3 kids already or the 3 kids came from her ... I dunno. But the existence of life from another existence is a miracle too beautiful to comprehend.
Maybe it is true. To understand life is too much. That we cannot really gasp what life really is until .....................

until I do not know when.
Life continues ...


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