If this is your last day on earth, how will you spend it?
I cannot think.
I cannot EVEN falsely imagine the last day on earth is today, more so on how I am spending it, considering it’s already lunch time. Meaning, I already blew my half of the last 24-hours of my life.
SO rewind and say I just opened my eyes and got out of bed at 4:00 in the morning today. Yes, pretty early to start my day but it is Friday and last day of work … what a coincidence that it coincides with the last day on earth … right.
So I get up, thought that this is it, this is the LAST, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna start? HOW?
I cannot think.
So since I need a dose of caffeine, I did my short prayer ritual, sign of the cross and thank God for this LAST day and off to the kitchen.
It is cold, isn’t it? So coffee is good. I cannot stay and drink coffee, all by myself, in the deafening silence of the house. So I have to turn the TV on and it’s Jay Leno, a re-run from its usual midnight run. Coffee and TV, a good start, maybe.
Why didn’t I spend the day at home? I mean, it’s the last day, right?
SO in my last day, I’m not working. NOPE. My boss is out of the country and there really is nothing pressing to do at work on this Friday.
SO I am staying home and thinking how to spend my day. Yup, woke up at 4:00 in the morning, coffee and think.
Think. think. think.
If this is your last day on earth, how will you spend it?
I cannot think.
I cannot EVEN falsely imagine the last day on earth is today, more so on how I am spending it, considering it’s already lunch time. Meaning, I already blew my half of the last 24-hours of my life.
SO rewind and say I just opened my eyes and got out of bed at 4:00 in the morning today. Yes, pretty early to start my day but it is Friday and last day of work … what a coincidence that it coincides with the last day on earth … right.
So I get up, thought that this is it, this is the LAST, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna start? HOW?
I cannot think.
So since I need a dose of caffeine, I did my short prayer ritual, sign of the cross and thank God for this LAST day and off to the kitchen.
It is cold, isn’t it? So coffee is good. I cannot stay and drink coffee, all by myself, in the deafening silence of the house. So I have to turn the TV on and it’s Jay Leno, a re-run from its usual midnight run. Coffee and TV, a good start, maybe.
Why didn’t I spend the day at home? I mean, it’s the last day, right?
SO in my last day, I’m not working. NOPE. My boss is out of the country and there really is nothing pressing to do at work on this Friday.
SO I am staying home and thinking how to spend my day. Yup, woke up at 4:00 in the morning, coffee and think.
Think. think. think.
If this is your last day on earth, how will you spend it?